Windows Phone 7– 3 months in

So i have had a Windows Phone 7 device (the HTC HD7) for about 3 months now, which is enough time i believe to give some solid feedback about the device and the operating system.

First of all the hardware. The device is beautiful, it is seriously good, i only have two issues with it. The first is the lack of storage, i am not too worried about it begin removable, but 16GB is small, but i really think in todays environment of having lots of media and the device being perfect for video more storage is required 32gb as a minimum maybe with a 64gb option. The second is to do with the coating on the stand, it is rubbing off and it makes the device look slightly tatty.

Now onto the software. As a whole it is brilliant, the home screen, the pre-installed applications are great. Office is especially good. There are a lot of good quality third party applications as well, especially games.

Twitter for Windows Phone is a brilliant application, BUT it does take too long to load and collect tweets, as well as not using service notifications to get updates. The upcoming update should deal with the speed issues twitter is having, but using background service notifications, is down to twitter, and it really is a must.

Now there are a lot of really good games especially on the Xbox Live side of things – ‘Need For Speed’ is a must to play on the device, and there are lots more out there although some can be a bit on the pricey side.

The calendar application sucks, it really does suck and Microsoft must do something to fix this as soon as possible!! I have multiple calendars, but you cannot select them, or unselect them. The Facebook integration is really good, but i would really like it to support Facebook direct messaging with getting notifications when i get new messages, or replies to my statuses.

So overall i give it 7/10 its really good, but they have a number of key things that they need to do within the next year to catch-up and be on a level heading with Apple. But before i go over them, i would just like to say that they have already surpassed android, maybe not on a feature basis, but definitely on a quality and UI basis. Many of the features they need to implement to catch up with Apple, will also help them against Android.


Copy and Paste – its not a feature i have ever really used or needed to use, even when i was on Android, but its something that’s needed. This will be in the first update so it can be as good as crossed off.

Conversation View – In outlook emails need to be displayed in conversation view.

A better Calendar Application – Support for more calendar protocols especially CalDav, with support for multiple calendars within one provider.

Multitasking – Now every other major platform has it developers wont be going out of their way to use a notification service, Microsoft need to find an efficient way of putting multitasking into the application model like Apple have.


Facetime Competitor and Front Facing cameras as compulsory – Apple have it, there really is no reason why Microsoft cannot, they have the Windows Live network there already to support it, I suspect and i have seen a number of blog posts recently that suggest that Microsoft are planning it for Windows Phone 8, when that comes.

Minor Updates

Internet Explorer – The current browser does a good job, but is seriously lacking compared to the browsers on Android and iPhone. It is rumoured that in the Autumn IE9 will be coming in a update. I hope Microsoft do that, and it would be a welcome update.

Video Support 720p HD – It has been brought to my attention that it cannot play 720p video without first begin converted. Now i think this is ludicrous, the graphics hardware is obviously powerful enough to handle it, so i think this must be down to a software limitation. Again this might be fixed in the Autumn update which is classed as a Media Update, and might change the software version to 7.5 so should be fairly major.

If Microsoft can do all of the above then in the next 12months they will have kicked Android into the dust, and be lining up to take on Apple.

But i do not expect Microsoft to take #1 as top Smartphone operating system. I expect  in two or 3 years time the market share to be Android with the lions share and have most of the market. I think this because there are lots of cheap, and i mean cheap, which even though they are poor quality, most people don’t care, and wont notice. I then expect Apple and Microsoft to be fighting it out for second place, i think they will both have roughly the same market share. I think RIM and Nokia (Symbian) will come in 4th and 5th with Palm trailing. So 40% of the market for android, about 20% each for Apple and Microsoft, and the rest split up between the smaller players.

Putty x64 Latest SVN Build

Today i received a request from an American University for a x64 build of Putty, but using the latest SVN source as they required the GSSAPI support. I had a few hours so i did it.

The installer is here: Puttyx64_SVN-1.60.1.msi

The binaries are here:

The installer will upgrade your existing Putty x64 installation from 0.60 to the latest SVN (revision 9026).

The new version will appear as 1.60.1. Let me explain this number. The first ‘1’ says that it is from the unstable branch, the ‘60’ says that it is from SVN after the 0.60 stable release. The final ‘1’ is a build number, each time i build from SVN it will be incremented until 0.61 is reached, then it will be reset to 1.



About a month ago i started using MetroTwit. Its a really good, nice, clean twitter application which runs brilliantly on Windows 7. I moved to it because of its great UI but in the most recent update they seem to have gone a bit AWOL on the UI. So the aim of this post is to point this out to them so they can improve in the next version.


I have colour coded the issues.

Starting from the top, the green box. Why is the Timestamp / Client at the top, i think it looks weird put it to the bottom.

Next is the pink box. Now this is personal preference, i personally think its redundant information, maybe make it a configurable option.

Next is the light blue box, now it is good that they added support for retweet API, BUT i do not think they put any thought into the design of that “Retweeted by ….” component, i think it could be done more subtly  without taking up the large amount of space that it does.

Finally we get to the orange boxes, they need to have a bigger margin with the window border. I would suggest looking at evening out the spacing between all of the buttons so it appears equal.

Just to close off i would like to just say that it is a great piece of software, and is by far the best twitter client there is for windows so keep up the good work guys!

Website Reorganisation

So i have decided to annoy everyone by breaking all my permalinks and moving everything around. Here’s the new layout of the sub domains:

  • www – A page about me covering everything i do
  • blog  The new home of my blog
  • projects – Where all my projects resources will be hosted
  • repos – Where all my repositories will be hosted
  • yusu – Where my YUSU Reform Wiki is hosted

I have also set myself up a new better Open ID Server with 1.1 and 2.0 support called Simple ID.

I have also decided to put everything into Git Repositories and am currently experimenting on how best to set these up on the server, if you can make any recommendations on how best to do that, please leave a comment about it.

I have modified the blog theme a bit to make it more to my liking, i hope you all like it as well.

I suspect it will take me a while to get everything back up and running, but it should be really good once its done.

MacBook Pro – Review

So i have had my MacBook Pro for a few weeks now so i thought i would write down some comments about it, and any improvements Apple could make.

  • Matt Screen Option for 13” MBP (I am looking at getting a Matte screen protector)
  • Ability to Boot Windows Installer from USB without rEFIt (It can boot OS X / Linux from USB just not Windows – which seems weird as all modern bioses can (yes i know the MBP has EFI instead of a regular BIOS))
  • Option not to have a Super Drive, maybe replace with secondary hard disk drive, or bigger battery (think how many more hours that could add would make it the ultimate portable laptop).
  • I have set Windows 7 to be the default start-up partition, but every time i boot into OS X (rarely) it resets this to OS X, which if well – annoying. Imagine if Microsoft pulled a trick like this with the default web browser.
  • Maybe have options for or to remove the IR receiver and card slot they take a bit out of the minimal design, and the card slot will just collect dirt.
  • Move the sleep light to one of the sides, so the front is that bit cleaner.
  • Have some sort of covers for the various ports on the side, might improve the design a bit, and keep the unused ones clean (I mean who ever uses the Ethernet one? Which for me with just collect dirt and bits.)
  • Make the Touchpad slightly bigger, there isn’t much space, but every millimetre counts on these things.

Apart from that its a pretty good machine, and while i am not using OS X that much (it is more of a “Fisher Price My First OS” type of OS) as Unix OS’s go its pretty good, and while i have been on a rubbish internet connection it has made a good substitution for SSH’ing into my server, although i do not know how much longer it will remain on the laptop.

I should be getting some stickers soon from @bennuk (Microsoft Developer Evangelist), which should make my laptop look awesome. Will blog some pictures when i get them.