Putty x64

Putty x64 is Putty but compiled as a 64bit binary, this has a number of uses, especially when you need to interact with Putty from a 64bit application. The other advantage is that it is published in a MSI package which should make things easier for automated installations and package management within businesses.

To find out more about Putty please go to: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

The putty project, now provides official x64 builds with a MSI installer. Please use those instead.

This was originally just a random thing I did one evening but have since retrieved requests to update it. I now plan to move to WiX and package up the tools and scripts that produce these new artifacts, for everyone to use (as well as posting regular updates here). It will take me a few weeks to complete this though, so for now the older binaries are below.

Download Links

September 2nd 2013 Putty 0.63

Putty x64 (msi) – download here

Putty x64 (binaries .zip) – download here

July 13th 2011 Putty 0.61

Putty x64 (msi) – download here

Putty x64 (binaries .zip) – download here

December 1st 2010 Putty 0.60 SVN Revision 9026

Putty x64 (msi) – download here

Putty x64 (binaries .zip) – download here